
Posts Tagged ‘grateful’

Reinventing Grateful

In Annoying, Insight, kids, Life, Love, moms, motherhood, parenting, Patience on September 24, 2009 at 8:08 pm

In our culture we are taught to be grateful for our blessings; grateful for the things we have like family, food,  shelter, and security; grateful that we are not in the same circumstances as others who might be less fortunate. These are all wonderful things to be grateful for, and I, like anyone else, would be foolish not to count my blessings every day.

There is another side to this, though. How often are we grateful for our struggles? The occurrences that give us up to thinking and growing? The ones we don’t realize are good for us until years later when we look back and say, “I’m so glad I didn’t do that!”, hmmm? When we are right in it, are we truly grateful? Not usually.

It’s so easy to complain to anyone who will listen. And, others are all too willing to jump in and commiserate, adding their own seasoning to the stew. Grousing has become an acceptable form of communication.

If we are given everything we want in the way and timing we prefer, so that everything goes our way, we become greedy and spoiled with unrealistic expectations in life. As a mother, this is definitely not a quality I want to instill in my kids, so why would I allow the same behavior to reign in my own life?

Today, I am reinventing grateful. If something frustrates me, it’s going to be a stepping stone to understanding others and becoming more patient. If something does not go the way I intend it to, it’s simply a change of plans… for the better. If anything that does not normally elate me and bring me great joy crosses my path, I will view it as that moment’s challenge to be grateful where all things are concerned.

Be grateful in lean times because it provides a brief moment to experience and appreciate how some in poorer countries live 24/7. Be grateful when you can’t sleep, because it gives you time to reflect and pray. Be grateful under extreme duress, because you have a golden opportunity to model true gratefulness to others.

Today, I am reinventing grateful. Will you?

My minute is up. Thanks for spending yours with me.

Just a Minute Now